NYC Transit Wednesday Service Info
Lastly, here is the latest info for tomorrow’s commute in relation to NYC Transit:
The round the clock efforts of NYC Transit work crews have restored full service to the Rockaways and West End Line
trains are expected to begin service again this evening. Work on the Canarsie
Line is progressing to the point where we plan to resume full service by late morning Wednesday.
Work on the Brighton
Line, Sea Beach
Line and Franklin Ave
Shuttle continues in the effort to restore service as quickly as possible. Wind driven snow drifts in excess of three to four feet in these locations have made it necessary to dig out the tracks by hand even before mechanical snow removal equipment can be deployed.
Bus service in the region remains severely affected. Limited-Stop bus service remains suspended. Very limited local and express service is operating with serious delays, and suspensions in service especially in Southern Brooklyn, Staten Island and Queens.
In addition, some routes have been shortened due to street conditions. Those conditions are being evaluated on a route by route basis. We will only restore service where we can safely do so. Due to conditions buses may not be able to pull directly into bus stops. Use caution boarding and alighting and do not run for buses.
With the utter ineptitude showed by the city in their storm cleanup efforts, I fully expect it to be a few days before bus service is back to normal.
Many of the outer boroughs have the majority of their streets nearly impassible. When the biggest thoroughfares in boroughs have barely been plowed, you can’t expect the rest of the streets to have been.
It is a shame that millions of residents are getting the royal shaft from the city in terms of proper cleanup. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon for the sanity of everyone.
xoxo Transit Blogger
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Hello Julie,
I am sorry to hear about your ordeal. Unfortunately it comes as no surprise to me. I just did not see any legitimate way that service would be back to normal regardless of what was being said.
As someone who has spent a lot of time in South Brooklyn over the years & knowing people who live there, I truly understand your frustration. The constant raw end of the stick that part of the borough gets is completely unacceptable.
Unfortunately it is clear that people like you & your husband are not important enough & should stop complaining. As long as Mayor Bloomberg’s block & Times Square are in good condition, nothing else matters. Pathetic!
I just looked at the MTA’s site & see that B&Q service is suspended in both directions from end to end. The notice was posted at 9:41 AM so I am not sure why the news was reporting no delays. Great job media outlets!
The local new cha,nels are reporting no delays in the MTA train service. I disagree strongly. I am currently at the Kings Highway station on the Q and B lines and THERE IS NO SERVICE.
The entrance to the subway is roped off, preventing entry.
We in South Brooklyn are again underserveed. The inability to commute to our respective financial responsibilities leaves us feeling beyond frustrated. Major Bloomberg says’ leave your vehicles at home and take mass transit. We do and then there is no service. My husband works in the medical community and with no train incap*ble of using train service to Manhattan
Can weather, and the lack of service by the MTA and the sanitation department continue to handicap ands strangle us in south Brooklyn.enough already.