New York Transit Champions

Associate Director Veronica Vanterpool of the Tri-State Transportation Campaign posted a stellar entry  questioning where the champions are in Albany & New York City for our mass transit system. Here is a small sample of her entry:

A common thread ran through several MTA meetings held this week: there is not enough money to meet the financial needs of the MTA system, especially as ridership has increased. To deal with cost escalations in its current capital program, the MTA “deferred” planned station rehabilitations and other projects into the 2009-2014 program — which is largely unfunded. The agency also warned that a widening gap in its operating budget meant that a fare increase or service cuts could be necessary in 2009.

The discussion of how to fix the MTA’s finances will likely take months, but it’s clear that maintaining a viable system will require additional revenue, either in direct state and city aid or from new dedicated sources. The big question transit riders should start asking: Where are our champions in Albany and New York City?

To read Veronica’s full entry, click here.

Veronica brings up excellent points & really brings into focus the need for our elected officials to come through to help starve off the collapse of our transit infrastructure.

xoxo  Transit Blogger

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