Amtrak Train Detaches On Trip To NYC

Credit: @Manchuck on Twitter
Long time readers know that I am a historic critic of Amtrak’s poor service & much deserved reputation as a failed transportation carrier. So when I heard the news of one of their trains detaching on a trip headed to NYC this evening, I was not surprised one bit.
The story starts on Train #68 on the Adirondack line that runs from Montreal to New York daily. The train which was scheduled to arrive at 8:50 in Penn Station (as of press time, the train has still not arrived at Penn Station) was south of the Albany-Rensselaer when a passenger heard a loud pop & felt a gush of cold air.
When the passenger turned around, he saw that the locomotive engine had detached from the cars & kept going as they sat there like sitting ducks. The 25 people in the car along with the rest of the passengers & crew who made up the 287 in total on board had to wait for 2 hours in the cold as they waited for another train to come get them so they could continue their trip to NYC.
I can’t wait until the investigation is concluded & the facts hopefully come out as to what exactly happened here. Was it some sort of mechanical failure or possible human error that caused this? If human error is the cause, we better see the termination of those responsible for something that could have been tragic.
xoxo Transit Blogger
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