
Correctly Placing The Potential Blame

This morning’s edition of the New York Times will feature a strong editorial on how the State Senate will be responsible if the MTA’s “doomsday scenario” goes into effect. Here is a sample: Time is running out for more than eight million public transit riders in the New York City metropolitan area. On May 31, […]

Transit Riders Show How Clueless They Really Are

In the entry below, I touched on how the majority of transit riders are clueless in terms of transit policy & the needs to maintain & grow our system at the same time. Many of the riders already show their lack of knowledge by continuing to obsess over the accusation of double books from 5+ […]

Editorial: Save Mass Transit Riders

In today’s print edition of the New York Daily News, an editorial urged lawmakers to protect mass transit riders from disastrous fare hikes & service cuts. Lets take a look at a sample of the editorial: Confronting the certainty of astronomical fare hikes and disastrous transit cuts, city lawmakers must act in the interests of […]

NY Times Editorial – Obama Must Make Transit A Priority

Today’s print edition of the New York Times has a very strong editorial on why President-elect Obama must make transit a priority. Here is a sample: Unlike President Bush, Barack Obama is going to enter office with a clear appreciation of the urgent problems of climate change and America’s growing dependency on foreign oil — […]

Foolish Propaganda If You Ask Me

By now you have read or heard (or both) about the Ravitch Commission’s plan which proposes ideas in how the MTA can collect a steady form of revenue for their budget. Each proposal has sparked strong feelings for or against it from businesses to commuters & to drivers & everyone in between. One of the […]