Newsday Continues To Seek LIRR Riders’ Stories

Last November I wrote an entry about Newsday seeking feedback/stories from Long Island Railroad (LIRR) riders. Well they are back with another request for such stories. On June 9th, they published 2 more stories from Jeremy & Joseph respectively. Here are their stories courtesy of Newsday

I was recently on the 4:22 p.m. train to Port Washington when a man, giving the appearance of being incredibly intoxicated, stumbled into the car and fell akimbo upon the seat across from me. It looked (and sounded) like he was going to vomit at any time, especially when the conductor came by. Finally, as the train pulled into the Manhasset station, the “drunk” passenger got up from his seat, made it clear that he was sober as a judge, and laughingly told those of us still around him that his act gets him a free ride whenever he wants. – Joseph

About a month ago, my fiancee and I were … taking the 3 a.m. [train]. I got up at some point to use the bathroom … Within about 15 seconds, someone punches or kicks the door, and threatens to “cave in” my head. … I wasn’t about to get ambushed on the way out, so I cautiously open the door to see if there was anyone still there. To my surprise … there was nobody … Not more than five minutes later, I can hear [someone] yelling, and then the sudden breaking of glass. As I look up, I see this tall bald guy, mid 30s, pushing around some guys at the other end of the car … and then all hell broke loose.

There were about six or seven people engaged with each other, a glass bottle broke near my seat … The conductor stopped the train and locked our car down, leaving us with this idiot yelling at people … At the end of it, this guy has a cut on his neck that’s bleeding profusely and is put in handcuffs, some of the other guys just disappeared, and my fiancee and I were left wondering, “What was that about?” – Jeremy

I love reading these stories for some reason…

xoxo  Transit Blogger

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