Archive for March, 2013

MTA Announces Bus Time Roll Out Plan

Bus Time has been a huge hit for riders since it initially debuted on 2 Manhattan bus lines & eventually leading to 2 in Brooklyn & all of Staten Island & most recently the Bronx. The agency has announced a roll out plan which will bring it to the rest of the city. Here is […]

MTA To Continue On The Go Project

Back in September 2011, the MTA introduced “On The Go”, an interactive touch-screen kiosk that contained travel information & more. After a successful pilot run, the agency recently announced that will continue with phase two of the project which calls for the installation of at least 77 more. Here are the details: MTA New York […]

MTA Ridership Increases In 2012

Even with the devastation & subsequent lost trips caused by Hurricane Sandy, the MTA managed to have ridership increases again in 2012 as they totaled over 2.6 billion trips between all of their divisions. Here is more via their press release: Despite the historic disruptions caused by Hurricane Sandy, annual ridership on the subways, buses […]

Historic Metro-North Expansion Coming Soon

Catching up on some transit news over the past few days, the Metro-North has announced that the biggest expansion in agency history is coming April 7th. The expansion calls for 187 added off-peak & weekend trains each week. Here are the details: Schedule changes that represent Metro-North Railroad’s biggest and most ambitious service expansion in […]

Sick Of Stolen Fares

I like many straphangers are sick of the outdated & flawed MetroCard system. While I can’t vouch that the majority prefer to go back to tokens like I do or perhaps a more updated & with the times system, we definitely agree that the MetroCard has to go! My biggest gripe comes with the repeated […]